Wednesday, June 6, 2012

How to decorate your small apartment?

Living in small apartment and finding suitable space for utility items is the challenge. Most of us will agree with the fact that finding furniture that will have utility and at the same time make the place look chic.  In addition, your Flat, however small should be soothing place to live once you get back home after a grueling day at work. Since it is a small apartment, you cannot have too many fancy furniture or showpieces since it will give a cluttered look. The best of way decorating your small apartment/flat is to add vibrant colors to furnishings.

Before buying furnishings for your rooms, plan the color palette. For small apartments, it is better to paint walls in light shades and choose furnishings in brighter shades. Check the décor magazines and websites that provide many ideas about availability of different kinds of furnishings.

 Sofa Covers

You can deck up your sofas by changing the sofa covers in bright hues in summer months and in solid patterns in the winter months. This way you can change the appearance of your 1bhk flats in Mumbai   without spending much. Instead of buying new sofa sets, change the slip covers or sofa covers for an entire new look.

Wall Paint Alternative

There are wallpapers available, which can change the entire look of your apartment. Depending on the entire room set-up, just put wallpaper in one wall and see the effect created in the room. The living room, bedrooms and study if the small apartment has one can be given a new décor without much alternation in décor.

Curtains and Rugs

Changing of curtains and rugs adds new dimension to your small apartment. A new rug in the center of your living room will give a dramatic effect. The décor market is flooded with a variety of curtains, from florals to stripes, you can select one according to the theme of your small apartment.

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